
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Get your Short Story in the Irish Times!!

In case you missed this a couple of weeks ago — A chance to get your short story published in the Irish Times. 

Closing Date 8 August!!


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

LAST KISS Official Trailer!!!!

Drum roll....it's here folks....it's the LAST KISS Official Trailer!! Please watch and SHARE if you can. If you're on Twitter - all RT's are appreciated  HASHTAG #lastkiss CLICK ON IMAGE TO VIEW

Triple Trouble!

I never thought I'd see this ...#threebooks #gosh

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Blog Awards for Arts & Culture 2014!

Delighted to be longlisted in the Blog Awards for Arts and Culture along with Tara Sparling, Annmarie Miles, Rozz Lewis, Nuala Ní Chonchúir and Joanna Buchanan!

Read Full Listing HERE

Friday, July 25, 2014

Torches & rope!

There were torches and some rope.... yes, we were up to stuff - LAST KISS TRAILER... but shush, I'm not supposed to be here!!! #amwriting

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Not long now!!

Killer lipsticks and postcards....launch night is approaching!!!


I just want to say how overwhelmed I am with all the good wishes about the launch. Your enthusiasm is catching!! One reader is taking a 4 hour bus ride there and back to be at the launch, and I've just got an email from an ex-student in Germany who has booked flights for her and her husband to be there on the night. Honestly, I am so moved by the support.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Deliciously Dark Thriller!!

First review in on LAST KISS from Bleach House Library!!!

"LAST KISS is a deliciously dark thriller that leaves a bitter aftertaste, like a great dark chocolate or superior claret. The writing is truly spectacular.  The chapters fly by and before you know it, you are halfway through.  I noticed a subtle notch up in style, pace and depth.  I didn't think the author could get much better, but she has surpassed herself.  Already an award-winning novelist, this author is set for great, great things and thoroughly deserves them.  Top notch crime thriller which deserves its place at the top of bestseller lists, not just in Ireland, but worldwide. Cannot recommend enough........"  

Read Full Review HERE

Friday, July 18, 2014

If you're not in....

If you're not in...you can't win!! LAST KISS  Goodreads Giveaway...Go to this link to enter http://buff.ly/1rwEH6f

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ever fancied being immortalised in fiction?

A little bit of news re Launch Night of LAST KISS on the 12th August......

Could you be the Mystery Character??

Everyone picking up a copy of LAST KISS on the night will have their name put into a draw to be a character in the next book, but of course, only if you want to!! 

Working title for Book 4 to be revealed shortly!!!

The eagle twins have landed!!

Even with a dislocated jaw, I got all emotional when the twins arrived by post just now!!!

OVER THE EDGE 2014 - New Writer of the Year Competition!

Major SponsorCharlie Byrne’s Bookshop,
other sponsors to date:
ISupply, Quay Street; Ward’s Hotel Lower Salthill;
 Clare Daly TD, Kenny’s Bookshop & Derek Nolan TD

Closing date: Wednesday, August 6th, 2014

In 2014 Over The Edge is continuing its exciting annual international creative writing competition. Since its inception in 2007, it has grown to become one of the most important competition’s for emerging writers in Ireland and internationally. The competition is open to both poets and fiction writers worldwide. The total prize money is €1,000. The best fiction entry will win €300. The best poetry entry will win€300. One of these will then be chosen as the overall winner and will receive an additional €400, giving the overall winner total prize money of €700 and the title Over The Edge New Writer of The Year 2014. The 2014 Over The Edge New Writer of The Year will be a Featured Reader at Ireland’s leading literary reading series, the Over The Edge: Open Readings in Galway City Library, on a date to be scheduled in Winter 2014/15. Salmon Poetry will read, without commitment to publish, a manuscript submitted to them by the winner in the poetry categoryDoire Press will read, without commitment to publish, a manuscript of short stories submitted to them by the winner in the fiction categoryThe winner in the poetry category will have one of the poems from her or his winning entry published in the April 2015 issue of Skylight 47 magazine

Entries should be sent to Over The Edge, New Writer of the Year competition, 3 Carbry Road, Newcastle, Galway, Ireland.Entries will be judged anonymously, so do not put your name on your poem(s) or stories. Put your contact details on a separate sheet. If you live in Ireland and wish to be informed of the results by post, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope. OTHERWISE, YOU DO NOT NEED TO ENCLOSE A STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE.

Criteria: fiction of up to three thousand words, three poems of up to forty lines, or one poem of up to one hundred lines. Any of the aforementioned is one entry. Multiple entries are acceptable but each must be accompanied by a fee. The fee for one entry is €10. The fee for multiple entries is €7.50 per entry e.g. two entries will cost €15, three entries €22.50 and so on. Fee payable by cheque or  money order to Over The Edge. The competition is open to writers worldwide. We accept payment in Dollars, Sterling, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars and so on. Writers from outside the Euro area can calculate the payment for their entry here http://www.xe.com/ucc/ 

WE ALSO NOW ACCEPT ONLINE PAYMENTS. See the below for details. If you pay the entry fee online you must still post us a hard copy of your entry/entries and enclose with it a note saying ‘entry fee paid online’. PLEASE INCLUDE THE EXACT NAME IN WHICH THE ONLINE PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE SO THAT WE CAN VERIFY.  

To take part you must be at least sixteen years old by September 1st 2014 and not have a book published or accepted for publication in the genre in which you enter. Chapbooks/ pamphlets excepted. Entries must not have been previously published or be currently entered in any other competition. 

The closing date is Wednesday, August 6th, 2014. A long-list will be announced at the August Over The Edge: Open Reading in Galway City Library on Thursday, August 28th, 2014 (6.30-8pm). THE LONGLIST WILL BE AVAILABLE, BEFORE THAT, AT CHARLIE BYRNE’S BOOKSHOP FROM 5PM ON THURSDAY AUGUST 28TH.  Theshortlist will be announced at the September Over The Edge: Open Reading in Galway City Library on Thursday, September 25th, 2014 (6.30-8pm). 

The winners will be announced at the October Over The Edge: Open Reading in Galway City Library on Thursday, October 30th, 2014 (6.30-8pm).

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Announcing the New Jack Harte Bursary!!


Announcing the new Jack Harte Bursary
– awarded by the Irish Writers Centre in association with the Tyrone Guthrie Centre
The Irish Writers Centre and the Tyrone Guthrie Centre at Annaghmakerrig have come together to offer a two-week fully resourced Writer-in-Residence Bursary to take place in spring 2015. The award is named in honour of Jack Harte, founder of the Irish Writers Centre, in celebration and acknowledgement of his contribution to Irish literature.
Who Can Apply:
This is an open call to writers resident in Ireland with a proven track record and at least one book of fiction or short stories published by a recognised publisher.
How to Apply:
Applications are accepted by email only to director@writerscentre.ie . Please include:
1. A cover letter including your personal details and statement of artistic intent, clearly and concisely outlining the project you would like to focus on during your time at Annaghmakerrig.
2. An updated Curriculum Vitae (max. two A4 pages) including publications with ISBNs.
3. Clearly labelled samples of recent work (up to three short samples of up to 300 words).
4. Any relevant information on your proposed project such as written excerpts, photos, research information, etc.
Application Deadline:
26 September, 2014 at 5pm. No late applications will be considered. Applications will be acknowledged by email on receipt.
Selection Process:
Applications go before a selection committee of the Board of the Irish Writers Centre and a nominee of the Tyrone Guthrie Centre. The successful applicant will be notified by letter no later than November 7, 2014. The recipient of the bursary will be publicly announced by Jack Harte at a celebration event on Thursday 4 December at the Irish Writers’ Centre.
We are delighted to offer this exciting opportunity.

The Launch is on!!!

Valerie Bistany Director of the Irish Writers' Centre

I'm absolutely delighted to announce that the lovely Valerie Bistany, Director of the Irish Writers' Centre, will be launching LAST KISS in Easons, St Stephen's Green Shopping Centre, on the 12th August at 6.30!! More details to follow....

Valerie Bistany 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

No yawning!!

This will be a short post! It turns out those pains I had in my teeth were not brace related at all.  I somehow dislocated my jaw joint...very painful but easily done. So no yawning for me, a diet of soft food, painkillers, other drugs, rest, heat, and an instruction to relax!! Pain not bad at the moment, but it will return, so talk to you all in a couple of days!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

First filming of LAST KISS Trailer!!

We had a great day filming the trailer for LAST KISS yesterday. We still have some footage to get, but hopefully it will all come together in the end. So here is a great killer shot from the day, and also, the first box of killer lipsticks for the launch!! 

Invites will start to go out Wednesday!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2014


I've just heard that another one of my students from my crime writing courses has signed a book deal!! This time in their homeland of Mexico!!! I'm absolutely delighted for him!!

Friday, July 11, 2014

In the mood!!

So the mood board for Sunday's trailer filming of the LAST KISS femme fatale looks a little like this. Thanks to Colin of La Sirena restaurant in Malahide for allowing us in. We'll have fun!!

Collaborating with the reader!

Really lovely to see this feature in Books Ireland earlier in the week. It's the first outing for LAST KISS too!! Anne O'Leary finishes the article by saying 'Can't Wait' regarding novel number three, a sentiment that many have expressed over the last couple of weeks and one that certainly did my writerly heart good!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Killer Lipstick!!

It won't be long until the launch night of LAST KISS...(12th August 6.30 Easons St Stephen's Green SC - A date for your diary!!) 

I hope to have a few surprises in store for you. The first of which will be killer lipsticks for anyone who picks up a copy of the book. The fictional killer in Last Kiss wears a particular shade, Carmine, to be precise, a purplish red.  

Anyhow, I will be wrapping these little beauties up in black fish net fabric, elegantly, or as elegantly as I can manage it, tied with a red bow. One down...a few hundred to go!!

And an equally mad friend of mine just posted this on Facebook!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Glistening Chandeliers

It's book trailer time again...looking for glistening chandeliers in the Dublin area to film?? Help anyone??

Friday, July 4, 2014

Final, final cover of LAST KISS - front and back!!!


(Publication day August 7th 2014)

Launch night August 12th Easons St Stephen's Green Shopping Centre @ 6.30
(All welcome)

A Rollercoaster!

First and second review quotes in on LAST KISS!!!!


"Louise Phillips takes you on a journey to the dark side with a story that is as fast-paced and thrilling as a rollercoaster.." 

Jane Casey - bestselling crime author

"A dark and terrifying psychological thriller that grips you from the start and doesn't let you go..." 

Virginia Gilbert - Bafta-nominated Award Winning Writer and Director

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer Reads!!!

Tune into Kfm radio this evening to hear some more book reviews from myself,
Hazel Gaynor and Caroline Finnerty.

I'll be chatting about Roisin Meaney 's latest novel, 'After the Wedding', plus 'Unravelling Oliver' by Liz Nugent , 'A Husband's Confession' by Zoe Miller and 'The Shock of the Fall' by Nathan Filer, plus some other great suggestion for your SUMMER READS!!  http://www.kfmradio.com/
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