So, as I have been slacking in this department, I've decided to post a 'Thought for the Week' instead. Probably like some of you, I was watching Xfactor over the weekend, (yes I know I just said I had no time for anything, but somethings you just do even when no time exists) and I heard Gary Barlow's words on the best advice he ever heard, and this is what he said. He said, success is 90% hard work and determination, and 10% talent.
Now I remember hearing something like this before, which of course gave me huge encouragement, after all we can all work darn hard if we choose to. So I got to thinking about the advice many successful writers give about writing, which is that in order to write, you must first sit your bum on a chair and begin. The sitting down bit being the key. Thus bringing us nicely to the 'Thought for the Week', courtesy of Mr Woody Allen:-
'Eighty per cent of success, is showing up.'
- Woody Allen -