
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thought for the Weekend - Sean O'Casey

I'm posting this week's thought for the weekend a little early.  Well it is a kind of special quote, not just because I love Sean O' Casey's work, but because the words are deep, meaningful, and does what all good writing should do - it makes you think.

"Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity."

- Sean O'Casey -

(Btw - thanks to @MoloneyKing on Twitter who put up the quote last week - if you are not following, well darn blast you should do!)


  1. That's a wonderful and inspiring quote from O'Casey.I've read it now a dozen times and it never fails to uplift and inspire me. Thanks for posting it.

  2. It's a good one alright Stephen - have a great weekend:)


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