
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Summer Triangle by Carolann Copland

I'm really looking forward to launching Carolann Copland's debut novel SUMMER TRIANGLE on the 29th October at Carousel Creates - a beautiful writing retreat in the Dublin Mountains.

I had the pleasure of receiving an advance copy of this interesting novel which digs deep, exploring youthful idealism across a backdrop of Islamic Fundamentalists.

Cultural divisions and differences are teased out through an array of characters from a young mother seeking escape through alcohol to a grieving and impressionable teenage boy.

You can order a Kindle version of Summer Triangle HERE

Majid, who witnesses the death of his fiancé, a bomb victim at an Irish/Saudi festival, is so distraught he runs from his problems – right into the arms of Islamic fundamentalists. Together his new allies and he plot to show Ireland exactly what they think of its cooperation in the US war against terror, but will Majid really get the closure he so desperately craves?
Meanwhile Irish teen Shona falls pregnant following a drunken party and stumbles through early motherhood in a haze of alcohol. An overheard conversation about her past leaves her wallowing in the self-pity of betrayal and ripe for falling into the wrong hands.
When 08/08 threatens to become Dublin’s very own 9/11 will a chance meeting of the two teenagers hasten their road to self-destruction or help them rise from the ashes of the past?
Particularly when there are darker forces at work…

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