
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New Picture for Writer Profile

My wonderful daughter kindly took photos of yours truly last night, so let me know which you prefer, black and white, or colour?


  1. I love them both, but I think the black and white fits the color scheme of your blog...and I am partial to bw shots. :-) You look beautiful!

  2. Thanks Krystal - the more I look at them, the more I agree with you. I think the b&w is also good for a crime writer profile?

  3. Wowser Louise, they are both so beautiful, I love the colour one.


  4. B and w brings out character lines.

  5. Thanks JC & Kat - sorry for not being more in touch - I've had my head down in manuscript 2 for the last while:)

  6. Black and white for a crime writer is perfect! Great photos:)

  7. firstly, you look gorgeous! I love both, but the colour one shows the blue of your eyes, so i prefer it... but I think the skin tone might be a degree too warm? So I'd go with the colour one on a slightly, (only slightly) cooler spectrum? It looks very well reduced on your side bar, the black top is a nice contrast. She's a really good photographer!

  8. Yeah, I'm a Black and White anorak anyway!

  9. Thanks Brigid!

    Niamh - yes she is a REALLY GOOD Photographer, and she had an awful model, couldn't stay still to save my life!

    Yeah Dave - B&W is winning out so far:)

  10. I vote for the black and white. It looks timeless and you look like a movie star. People will line up for your autograph with this black and white one.

  11. Looks like the B&W is winning by a landslide on both blog and twitter. Thanks Stephen & Helen. Anyone for the colour one???

  12. Oooh, I'm going to go against the grain here Louise. I love black and white photos - this one is gorgeous! But, I think the colour one is stunning - the colours are so warm, and your eyes are such a lovely colour - I think some of this is lost in the b&w one. Sorry if I've gone and confused things. Both are lovely, so whichever one you choose will be fab!

  13. I love them both! Was originally going for the colour shot but think if you want me to be really picky that Niamh is right - if you could slightly cool down the skin colour it would be absolutely perfect. Hear you on the Crime Writer but just had a quick look at the back of some books on my bookshelf and they're half and half. I thought you'd had them professionally done - really good :o)

  14. They are both gorgeous! Sexy writer!

  15. Thanks girls-oh gosh it is going to b hard to decide:) But both are good, do either way it should be fine

  16. Yes, they are both gorgeous, really glamourous looking! I thought at first black and white but I really do love the warmth of the colour one, your hair and eyes really shine in it so it wins by me on a tiny margin!

  17. Yep, that's hard. Looked a lot, and I think the B and W is more atmospheric, and more 'real' somehow.

    Congrats to the photographer - great shots!

  18. Black and white for me Louise - but both great shots.

    Anna :o]

  19. Louise, seriously great pictures! It's great to see a pic of you that shows how gorgeous you are! I know I'm a horrible suck up, but it's true :)) I vote for the black and white, but only cuause you're writing crime, as both are just lovely!

  20. Thanks Alison, Titus, HyperCRYPTICal and D'oub!

    You are all very kind, and I appreciate your advice, and great comments. x


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