
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Writing Group - Call for New Members

Lucan Writers Group- Call to New Members

Lucan Writers Group meet every second Saturday in Lucan Library, Co Dublin from 11 a.m - 1 p.m. The next meeting is Saturday the 22nd January 2011.

Currently we are open for new members.  The criteria is simple, if you are over 18 and have a keen interest in writing, whether it be prose, poetry, novel or script writing, then you will fit in.

We are a diverse group and over the years, we have hopefully achieved an environment that fosters and encourages the art of writing.

Normally the meeting kicks off with a writing exercise, after which people are free to read their work to the group for constructive feedback.

Some bloggers known to you are already members, like myself, http://120socks.blogspot.com,
http://variouscushions.blogspot.com ,
http://domesticoubliette.blogspot.com ,
and http://davidmohan.wordpress.com

Feel free to visit these wonderful blogs or check out our lastest Creative Writing Retreat @ http://120socks.blogspot.com/2010/09/writers-retreat.html.

Since the beginning of the Lucan Writers Group in 2006, the group and many of its members, have individually and collectively picked up numerous awards, including taking second prize in the National Group Writers Award in 2008 (see http://www.lucanwriters.ie/).

Along with giving prestigious readings, work from group members have been published in magazines, anthologies and independent books of their own, as well as taking part in various collective exhibitions, including 'Paint the Town Red', an art/literature project.

But more importantly Lucan Writers is an open and constructive group, with a keen interest in supporting those with a love for creating the written word.

If you want to find out more about becoming a member, you can email me @ phillips.louisem0@gmail.com .

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